Thursday 1 November 2012

Chapter 4 - The parrot speaks like its owner

I had too much pride to let Chota win this debate, and therefore I had to be more prepared for the next time we spoke. I decided that my first step should be to ask my parents the questions I needed answers to. After all, they were born in India and had followed the religion their whole life. They were always complaining that we were too "western" ...well mum and dad, I would like to be taught now.

First stop, the more calmer mum...

"MUMMY" I yelled, even though I knew she was in the kitchen and could hear me without the shouting..."mummyyyyy"

"Yes sweety" she replied.

"Tell me about our religion...tell me everything you know...and I have some questions too..." I was about to delve into my questions when she interrupted me.

"Listen, you probably know more than I do. I spent my childhood working hard for my family. All I know is that you should be good, treat others nicely and you should educate yourself as much as possible." She turned around and went back into the kitchen.

End of discussion then I guess. But what she had said made me think...did my mum just tell me she wasn't religious? All my values and morals I learnt from her. I learnt how to be a good girl from her. I learnt how to respect my elders and treat guests from her. She is an amazing role model. Yet here she is telling me that she doesn't really know much about strange...

Next dad. Now this could either be a huge lecture, or it could become a heated argument.

"Ermm...papa...can we talk about religion..." I asked hesitantly.

"What do you want to know?" he said to me, eyes still on sky news.

"So which God is the main God? Because we all believe in so many. Is there one main one? Or do we pick our favourite and worship that one?" I stopped talking as he turned to me looking annoyed.

"Yes there is a main God and yes you pick any one you like" he said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

It made no sense to me I tried again.

"So" I said, annoying him once again " how do I know if I've picked the right one? Surely there must be some rule book or something. What if the one I pluck was created by a human?'

'Yes yes' he said still looking at the TV, 'read all the books'

'ALL the books?...Ermm which ones have you read?'

'None' he replied 'but I've seen the shows on TV'.

There was no point, he always had the final word whether it made sense or not. I know the TV can be a good source of information, but for your own religion? Come on, that's a bit silly. I did not want to question him further, but was he not aware that these shows had been made by another human? That the shows had to be passed for approval by big television companies who wanted entertaining programmes? No, this was the wrong source of information.

There is a saying that a parrot will repeat the words of its owner. I only knew what my parents had taught me, but it was time for me to learn independently now. I wanted to know more about my religion, and I wanted to learn it from reliable sources. I think it was time to find 'all the books'.

But not before another phone call from Chota about idol worshipping...

(To be continued)

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