Tuesday 30 October 2012

Chapter 3 - The phone call

C: Hey

Me: Hi Chota, how are you?

C: I'm ok, how are you?

Me: I'm good thanks. What's up?

C: *pause*...why do you pray to so many Gods?

Me: Well it's because different Gods symbolise different things. So they all have different roles.

C: Don't you think that's a bit stupid? How do you know which one is the right God then?

Me: they're all right I guess...or maybe there's a few main Gods, and the rest have been made up over time...

C: you don't even know? Bit pathetic...what if they're all made up then? Where's the proof?

Me: we have Holy books!

C: how many?

Me: quite a lot actually, so it must be right

C: people interpret things differently when there is one book...and you're telling me there's many books so all the books must be correct? Are you honestly saying that you think no one has adjusted them in any way over time? Your religion has been around for the longest time in your opinion....so have the books remain untouched?

Me: I...don't...I don't know...but I'll find out...anyways,every religion has that issue. People always tamper with things.

C: the Quran Sharif has never been tampered with did you know that? Even when the books were destroyed to get rid of the religion, many people had memorised it and so it never went away.

Me: that's quite beautiful, I must admit...

C: people have been trying to prove Islam wrong for a long time, but no one has ever found anything. You know what, try and find a fault. I dare you.

Me: look, I'm going to stick to looking further into my religion. I want to show you why I believe what I believe. Anyways, I've got to go now, bye.

C: ok bye

Why did I believe what I believed? Well to be honest, it was because it was what my family believed, and obviously I would not question their faith. But he had a point....all these different religions....they can't all be right because they all are different. Maybe the time had come for me to start looking into my religion and becoming stronger in my reasoning as to why I am of this religion. I don't want to give vague answers to people when they ask me. I want to give confident answers! I seem to know a lot about the traditions of my religion....such as what we wear and why we do certain rituals. But when it comes down to it, I don't have any idea where it all as originated from. I know that some people in my religion have a tendency to create new ideals, so I need to make sure I am basing my faith purely on the word of the book. Which book? Oh dear....I have so much to learn...

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